Following a diet low in sugar and high in beneficial fats may be the key to disease prevention and longevity, according …
When people talk about the health benefits of extra-virgin olive oil, it is usually linked to heart health. However, its …
New guidelines for pregnant women set by the Indian government recently caused a furor in the international medical and health community, …
Could honey be a natural way to prevent heart disease? That may just be the case. New research has found …
Ask yourself this: Are you getting enough trace minerals? If the word “trace” didn’t precede “minerals”, then you might be …
Look up “detoxifying drinks” and you’ll find a great number of recipes across the Internet. A cursory glance through a …
Raw vegan bloggers have taken their health agenda a step too far, saying that losing their period as a consequence of …
What would happen to your gut if you drank a glass of celery juice everyday for a month? It’s not …
In addition to fostering the bond between mother and child, breastfeeding also promotes healthy guts in babies. The beneficial bacteria …
Carbohydrates are not only good for your brain, but, if they’re the right kind, they may also assist you in living a longer, more productive …
Those of us with depression-era parents or grandparents have been raised to avoid waste at all costs. That makes many …
Energy drinks are all the rage these days; estimates suggest that between 2008 and 2012, the energy drink market exploded …
A new study reportedly validates the health risks posed by trans fats. Trans fatty acids (TFAs), otherwise known as hydrogenated …
Renowned skin care expert Dr. Trevor Cates lists 20 of the most toxic chemicals found in personal care products. “What …